Blood Disorders Among Hairdressers Want A Baby Before The Weekend!?

Want a baby before the weekend!? - blood disorders among hairdressers

So I went to the doctor yesterday and told me I'm still extends 1 cm, but my neck is very thin and the baby is very low. I am 39 weeks is my due date is 18 October. The last 3 dates, he told me that he thinks before my due date, but .. Of course, I know there is no guarantee. He also told me yesterday, not in the city and the next week that its members take care of me if I am working. It represents for me on 22 if he does not, however, said he doubts that will happen. I might have to work at any time, at this moment? I really want with your doctor before have my sheets, I do not want someone else since I have a blood disorder, among other things, and I feel comfortable with my doctor. I know I have no control over them (and that's good) but would have shot at the weekend, although I only 1 centimeter?


Umm Selma said...

There really is not much you can do to make your unborn child. They come in time.

However, there are certainly things you can do that sometimes can promote the work. Walking is always a good idea. Do not let gravity work.

Or you can try to have sex. While it is likely that the last thing on your mind, if you are so great. But sometimes it can encourage contractions to start.

Other methods to drink things, or stimulate your nipples are not recommended. It is strong contractions, which are dangerous to your baby can, and do nothing, to begin the actual work.

Umm Selma said...

There really is not much you can do to make your unborn child. They come in time.

However, there are certainly things you can do that sometimes can promote the work. Walking is always a good idea. Do not let gravity work.

Or you can try to have sex. While it is likely that the last thing on your mind, if you are so great. But sometimes it can encourage contractions to start.

Other methods to drink things, or stimulate your nipples are not recommended. It is strong contractions, which are dangerous to your baby can, and do nothing, to begin the actual work.

see2_me2 said...

In the last week or so I thought I had nausea

yingtuan... said...

do not have another doctor in the law or simply relax, this concern is it can be seen with their baby during the baby-time, the leaves do not grow. Bady is important in the day, not like my Cusin she wants her illegitimate child, but it was missing the day for 4 days, the child was very dangerous, luckily, the baby is growing health - now. Be careful with caution!

mafport said...

I am not a doctor, but I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express .. hahahaha, I always wanted to use that line. From my experience with my wife, which was induced both times with my daughters, if before the expiry date and once after its due date. There are certain things that start to work on so-called, you walk, a pleasant walk can sometimes lead to delivery. The next really surprised me, but I said, they can also induce labor is sex with your partner. I wanted to try it myself, but I said accelerating May of this process.
If you really do not feel comfortable with a doctor and ask your doctor, maybe can cause before you go, I'm sure a week will not make a difference, but speak frankly. Tell him your fears and worries. Good luck! And congratulations!

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