White Coats For Doctors Petite Why Do Doctors Wear White Coats?

Why do doctors wear white coats? - white coats for doctors petite

Show lighter patches, so that it can be, "conveys a feeling of cleanliness." And if there a way to keep cross-contamination, then why not take all the medical staff know? In addition, the color does not know the history of the medical profession ... is black.


Meg said...

It's really more about the tradition, although the use of white coats for doctors a tradition that only the last century. One study found that these (available here: http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/pagerender investigated. ... He noted that the main reason why doctors wear white coats make them immediately as doctors. People see a white blouse and they know the person you see is an MD - is a status symbol. Furthermore, it allows to identify the other doctors in the clinic. The goal also emphasizes the idea and concept of "clean".

MDQ said...

Maybe give black looks as guards as doctors.

jamesi said...

precisley, because there are more white spots, the use of color. when you clean white coats and whether the document not only saw several gangrenous right leg horribly infected. Other members of the medical profession and the colors that must be kept clean so as not to show stains. A blood stain on the green colors are used by many nurses would be fairly obvious. But do not wear white because it is so pure and perfect, that doctors and those who may differ visually in a hierarchy.

Iron Chin said...

cuz I know does.

WhatEVER... said...

Why not ask your doctor?
Maybe white is out .. Who really cares stains?

WhatEVER... said...

Why not ask your doctor?
Maybe white is out .. Who really cares stains?

Cedars Coach said...

No idea, but it would be easier to see when it gets dirty, can become a diaper.

beezebee... said...

Ask your doctor.

Brown Suga said...

That's what people of all days in the hospital. It is something that status!

scuba steve said...

lol good question with a good research-May Umm .... ....... b ?......... Style


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