Transparent Particles Floating Urine Plants Are Constantly Dying.Leaves Turning Yellow,lossing Chorophyll(turning Transparent).Plenty Of Algae Too?

Plants are constantly dying.Leaves turning yellow,lossing chorophyll(turning transparent).Plenty of algae too? - transparent particles floating urine

My plants are swordplants Amazon moss.But Java fern and Java swordplants Amazon are just dying. Sometimes I think it's because too much fertilizer for plants, leading to algal blooms, or perhaps more than I prune my plants plants.How cut and very clean and tidy? It seems that there is still quite bad and ugly is awhile.I installations for a CO2 diffuser, with the occasional dose of liquid fertilizer and trace elements.Using 2 lamps Fluorescent with 2 tubes were used a reflectors.The for a long time. There are always particles suspended in water, I think my filter is not anymore, because they measure what I think a very large proportion of fish in a tank 4 feet. 2 adults and 2 baby angelfish, striped LUCF 2 Rafaelsh, 4 Bronze Cory, 4 Panda Cory, 4 oto, 2 wood shrimp, a couple of Yamato, 20 rummy nose tetras and 20 cardinals.


Jeanne P said...

Sounds like the plants were not enough they are the real sun during the day? Fertilizer eat algae. If you have any particles floating in the water, not the filter functions. If you know that many fish in the tank debris could be too much for the filter. In addition, the temperature of your reservoir effect of the plants. Swordplants I had in my tank after year without any problems, but it receives sunlight for several hours a day. Did you fight a sucker fish to algae?

reynwate... said... ...

This might help.

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